Commit 55b64e4b authored by Martin Pool's avatar Martin Pool

Add table of exit values, from errcode.h.

parent e4114634
......@@ -786,6 +786,24 @@ If you are having trouble debugging include and exclude patterns, then
try specifying the -vv option. At this level of verbosity rsync will
show why each individual file is included or excluded.
manpagesection(EXIT VALUES)
dit(bf(RERR_SYNTAX 1)) syntax or usage error
dit(bf(RERR_PROTOCOL 2)) protocol incompatibility
dit(bf(RERR_FILESELECT 3)) errors selecting input/output files, dirs
dit(bf(RERR_UNSUPPORTED 4)) requested action not supported
dit(bf(RERR_SOCKETIO 10)) error in socket IO
dit(bf(RERR_FILEIO 11)) error in file IO
dit(bf(RERR_STREAMIO 12)) error in rsync protocol data stream
dit(bf(RERR_MESSAGEIO 13)) errors with program diagnostics
dit(bf(RERR_IPC 14)) error in IPC code
dit(bf(RERR_SIGNAL 20)) status returned when sent SIGUSR1, SIGINT
dit(bf(RERR_WAITCHILD 21)) some error returned by waitpid()
dit(bf(RERR_MALLOC 22)) error allocating core memory buffers
dit(bf(RERR_TIMEOUT 30)) timeout in data send/receive
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