Commit 5f4e991c authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Fixed the item numbers in the regex comment.

parent c96f6eb5
......@@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ my $detail_line = qr{
\d+ \s+ # ignore size
([-bcdlps]) # 1. File type
( [-r][-w][-xsS] # 2. user-permissions
[-r][-w][-xsS] # 3. group-permissions
[-r][-w][-xtT] ) \s+ # 4. other-permissions
[-r][-w][-xsS] # group-permissions
[-r][-w][-xtT] ) \s+ # other-permissions
\d+ \s+ # ignore number of links
(\S+) \s+ # 5. owner
(\S+) \s+ # 6. group
(\S+) \s+ # 3. owner
(\S+) \s+ # 4. group
(?: \d+ \s+ )? # ignore size (when present)
\w+ \s+ \d+ \s+ # ignore month and date
\d+ (?: : \d+ )? \s+ # ignore time or year
([^\r\n]+) $ # 7. name
([^\r\n]+) $ # 5. name
while (<>) {
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