Commit 5fa38cd6 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

- Improved the way we generate the tar file.

- The second run of verify-patches is in a better spot now.
- Made various improvements to the output.
parent 65535b54
......@@ -20,36 +20,49 @@ my $ztoday = time2str('%d %b %Y', time);
my $today = $ztoday;
$today =~ s/^0//;
my $dots = <<EOT;
my $break = <<EOT;
my $note = <<EOT;
** Note: type "-a u,n" if you want to auto-accept the U,N suggestions. **
== Note: type "-a u,n" if you want to auto-accept the U,N suggestions. ==
my $live = shift;
my $skipping = '';
print $break;
if ($live) {
print "This will release a new version of rsync onto an unsuspecting world.\n";
print <<EOT;
== This will release a new version of rsync onto an unsuspecting world. ==
} else {
print "**** TESTMODE **** (add \"live\" arg to avoid this)\n";
print <<EOT;
== **** TESTMODE **** (Add "live" arg to avoid this.) ==
$dest =~ s#([^/]+$)#tmp/$1#;
$skipping = ' ** SKIPPING **';
die "$dest does not exist\n" unless -d $dest;
print "Checking out the latest rsync into $releasedir...\n";
print $break, "\nChecking out the latest rsync into $releasedir ...\n";
mkdir($releasedir, 0755) or die $! unless -d $releasedir;
chdir($releasedir) or die $!;
system "rm -rf rsync rsync-*";
system "cvs checkout -P rsync";
system 'rm -rf rsync';
my(%dirs, @files);
open(CVS, '-|', 'cvs checkout -P rsync') or die $!;
while (<CVS>) {
print $_;
next if /\.(cvs)?ignore$/;
if (m#^[UP] rsync/(.*)#) {
my $fn = $1;
my($dir) = $fn =~ m#^(.+)/#;
push(@files, $dir) if defined($dir) && !$dirs{$1}++;
push(@files, $fn);
chdir('rsync') or die $!;
......@@ -66,7 +79,7 @@ close IN;
$lastversion =~ s/(\d+)cvs$/ $1 - 1 /e;
$version =~ s/cvs/pre1/ || $version =~ s/pre(\d+)/ 'pre' . ($1 + 1) /e;
print "\nPlease enter the version number of this release: [$version] ";
print $break, "\nPlease enter the version number of this release: [$version] ";
chomp($_ = <STDIN>);
if ($_ eq '.') {
$version =~ s/pre\d+//;
......@@ -92,21 +105,22 @@ chomp($_ = <STDIN>);
$release = $_ if $_ ne '';
my $diffdir;
my $skipping2;
if ($lastversion =~ /pre/) {
if ($version !~ /pre/) {
die "You should not diff a release version against a pre-release version.\n";
$diffdir = "$dest/old-previews";
$skipping2 = ' ** SKIPPING **';
} elsif ($version =~ /pre/) {
$diffdir = $dest;
$skipping2 = ' ** SKIPPING **';
} else {
$diffdir = "$dest/old-versions";
$skipping2 = '';
my $tarfile = "$dest/rsync-$version.tar.gz";
print <<EOT;
print "\n", $break, <<EOT;
\$version is "$version"
\$lastversion is "$lastversion"
\$cvstag is "$cvstag"
......@@ -116,8 +130,9 @@ print <<EOT;
\$release is "$release"
About to:
- tweak NEWS and OLDNEWS to update the release date
- make sure that configure,, and proto.h are updated
- tweak the version in, configure, and the spec files
- tweak NEWS and OLDNEWS to update the release date$skipping2
- tweak the date in the *.yo files and re-generate the man pages
- make sure that the patches dir has been updated
- page through the "cvs diff" output
......@@ -126,8 +141,7 @@ EOT
print "<Press Enter to continue> ";
$_ = <STDIN>;
print $dots;
print $break;
system "./prepare-source && touch proto.h";
my @tweak_files = ( glob('packaging/*.spec'), glob('packaging/*/*.spec'),
......@@ -163,37 +177,43 @@ system "yodl2man -o rsyncd.conf.5 rsyncd.conf.yo";
mkdir('patches/tmp') or die $!;
system "rsync -a --exclude=patches/ --exclude-from=.cvsignore . patches/tmp/cvsdir/";
print $dots, $note;
print "\n", $break, $note, $break;
system "patches/verify-patches -un -an";
print $break;
system "cvs -q diff | egrep -v '^(===============|RCS file: |retrieving revision |Index: )' | less -p '^diff .*'";
print <<EOT;
print $break, <<EOT;
About to:
- "cvs commit" all changes$skipping
- "cvs tag" this release as $cvstag$skipping
- change the diffs in the patches dir to include generated files
if ($live) {
print "<Press Enter to continue> ";
$_ = <STDIN>;
print "<Press Enter to continue> ";
$_ = <STDIN>;
if ($live) {
system "cvs commit -m 'Preparing for release of $version'";
system "cvs tag -F $cvstag .";
} else {
print "** Skipping prompt in TESTMODE **\n";
print <<EOT;
if (!/skip/i) {
print "\n", $break, $note, $break;
system "patches/verify-patches -pun -an";
my $tar_file = "$dest/rsync-$version.tar.gz";
my $diff_file = "$dest/rsync-$lastversion-$version.diffs.gz";
print $break, <<EOT;
About to do the following in the samba-rsync-ftp dir:
- change the diffs in the patches dir to include generated files
- move the old tar/diff files into the appropriate old-* dirs
- hard-link the new tar/diff files to the old files on$skipping
- create release tar "$tarfile"
- create release diffs
- create release tar, "$tar_file"
- create release diffs, "$diff_file"
- update README, *NEWS, TODO, and cvs.log
- update rsync*.html man pages
......@@ -201,21 +221,18 @@ EOT
print "<Press Enter to continue> ";
$_ = <STDIN>;
print $note;
system "patches/verify-patches -pun -an";
chdir($releasedir) or die $!;
print $dots;
mkdir("rsync-$version", 0755) or die $!;
system "rsync -aC --exclude=.cvsignore rsync/ rsync-$version";
print $break;
system "rm -rf rsync-$version";
rename('rsync', "rsync-$version") or die $!;
# When creating a pre-release after a normal release, there's nothing to move.
if ($diffdir ne $dest) {
chdir($dest) or die $!;
print "Shuffling old files ...\n";
# We need to run this regardless of $lastversion's "pre"ness.
my @moved_files;
foreach my $fn (glob('rsync*pre*.tar.gz*'), glob('rsync*pre*-NEWS')) {
......@@ -248,25 +265,35 @@ if ($diffdir ne $dest) {
chdir($releasedir) or die $!;
system "fakeroot tar czf $tarfile rsync-$version";
system "tar xzf $diffdir/rsync-$lastversion.tar.gz";
print "Creating $tar_file ...\n";
system "fakeroot tar czf $tar_file rsync-$version";
open(TAR, '|-', "fakeroot tar --files-from=- --no-recursion --mode=g-w -czf $tar_file rsync-$version") or die $!;
foreach (@files) {
print TAR "rsync-$version/$_\n";
close TAR;
print "Creating $diff_file ...\n";
system "rm -rf rsync-$version rsync-$lastversion";
system "tar xzf $tar_file; tar xzf $diffdir/rsync-$lastversion.tar.gz";
#mkdir("rsync-$lastversion/support", 0755) or die $!;
#rename("rsync-$lastversion/rsyncstats", "rsync-$lastversion/support/rsyncstats");
## END ##
system "diff -urN --exclude=patches rsync-$lastversion rsync-$version"
. "| gzip -9 >$dest/rsync-$lastversion-$version.diffs.gz";
system "diff -urN --exclude=patches rsync-$lastversion rsync-$version| gzip -9 >$diff_file";
system "rsync -a rsync/{README,NEWS,OLDNEWS,TODO} $dest";
print "Updating the other files in $dest ...\n";
system "rsync -a rsync-$version/{README,NEWS,OLDNEWS,TODO} $dest";
link("$dest/NEWS", "$dest/rsync-$version-NEWS");
system "rsync -a $cvsroot/CVSROOT/rsync.updates $dest/cvs.log";
system "yodl2html -o $dest/rsync.html rsync/rsync.yo";
system "yodl2html -o $dest/rsyncd.conf.html rsync/rsyncd.conf.yo";
system "yodl2html -o $dest/rsync.html rsync-$version/rsync.yo";
system "yodl2html -o $dest/rsyncd.conf.html rsync-$version/rsyncd.conf.yo";
system "rm -rf rsync rsync-*";
system "rm -rf rsync-*";
if ($live) {
chdir($dest) or die $!;
......@@ -274,7 +301,7 @@ if ($live) {
system "gpg -ba rsync-$lastversion-$version.diffs.gz";
print <<EOT;
print $break, <<EOT;
All done. Remember to announce the release on *BOTH*
rsync-announce\ and rsync\!
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