Commit 6a46226b authored by Martin Pool's avatar Martin Pool

BSD doesn't have /etc/resolv.conf or /etc/inittab, and hands.test was

trying to use them as a source of noise.
parent 42e66aa2
......@@ -54,9 +54,13 @@ mkdir ${FROM}/emptydir
ps ax > ${FROM}/pslist
echo -n "This file has no trailing lf" > ${FROM}/nolf
ln -s nolf ${FROM}/nolf-symlink
cat /etc/inittab /etc/services /etc/resolv.conf > ${FROM}/${F1}
# Gather some random text. We need files that will exist and be
# publicly readable on all platforms: hopefully this will work.
cat /etc/*tab /etc/services /etc/*.conf /etc/*rc > ${FROM}/${F1}
mkdir ${FROM}/dir
cp ${FROM}/${F1} ${FROM}/dir
cp ${FROM}/${F1} ${FROM}/dir/
mkdir ${FROM}/dir/subdir
mkdir ${FROM}/dir/subdir/subsubdir
ls -ltr /etc > ${FROM}/dir/subdir/subsubdir/etc-ltr-list
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