Commit 76e26e10 authored by David Dykstra's avatar David Dykstra

Better fix for case of excluded symlinks that point nowhere when using

--copy-links.  The readlink_stat() does need to be done in the normal case
before checking the exclude patterns because it needs to know whether or
not a file is a directory in order to properly handle a trailing slash
in an exclude pattern.  This fix makes make_file() go ahead and call
readlink_stat() but then if the latter returns an ENOENT and copy_links is
on then it will only print an error if the path is not excluded.
parent 9069dfd0
......@@ -185,12 +185,18 @@ int link_stat(const char *Path, STRUCT_STAT *Buffer)
This function is used to check if a file should be included/excluded
from the list of files based on its name and type etc
static int match_file_name(char *fname,STRUCT_STAT *st)
static int check_exclude_file(int f,char *fname,STRUCT_STAT *st)
if (check_exclude(fname,local_exclude_list,st)) {
return 0;
return 1;
extern int delete_excluded;
/* f is set to -1 when calculating deletion file list */
if ((f == -1) && delete_excluded) {
return 0;
if (check_exclude(fname,local_exclude_list,st)) {
return 1;
return 0;
/* used by the one_file_system code */
......@@ -479,7 +485,6 @@ struct file_struct *make_file(int f, char *fname, struct string_area **ap,
char *p;
char cleaned_name[MAXPATHLEN];
char linkbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
extern int delete_excluded;
extern int module_id;
strlcpy(cleaned_name, fname, MAXPATHLEN);
......@@ -490,17 +495,21 @@ struct file_struct *make_file(int f, char *fname, struct string_area **ap,
fname = cleaned_name;
/* f is set to -1 when calculating deletion file list */
if (((f != -1) || !delete_excluded) && !noexcludes && !match_file_name(fname,&st))
return NULL;
if (readlink_stat(fname,&st,linkbuf) != 0) {
int save_errno = errno;
if ((errno == ENOENT) && copy_links && !noexcludes) {
/* symlink pointing nowhere, see if excluded */
memset((char *)&st, 0, sizeof(st));
if (check_exclude_file(f,fname,&st)) {
/* file is excluded anyway, ignore silently */
return NULL;
io_error = 1;
rprintf(FERROR,"readlink %s: %s\n",
return NULL;
......@@ -517,6 +526,9 @@ struct file_struct *make_file(int f, char *fname, struct string_area **ap,
return NULL;
if (check_exclude_file(f,fname,&st))
return NULL;
if (lp_ignore_nonreadable(module_id) && access(fname, R_OK) != 0)
return NULL;
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