Commit 79c9d8a1 authored by Martin Pool's avatar Martin Pool

Proper messages for skipped tests.

parent 7d821932
......@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ name2="$fromdir/name2"
echo "This is the file" > "$name1"
echo "This is the other file" > "$name2"
chown 5000 "$name1" || test_skipped "Can't chown"
chown 5001 "$name2" || test_skipped "Can't chown"
chgrp 5002 "$name1" || test_skipped "Can't chgrp"
chgrp 5003 "$name2" || test_skipped "Can't chgrp"
chown 5000 "$name1" || test_skipped "Can't chown (probably need root)"
chown 5001 "$name2" || test_skipped "Can't chown (probably need root)"
chgrp 5002 "$name1" || test_skipped "Can't chgrp (probably need root)"
chgrp 5003 "$name2" || test_skipped "Can't chgrp (probably need root)"
checkit "rsync -aHvv \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir/\"" "$fromdir" "$todir"
......@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
. $srcdir/testsuite/rsync.fns
echo "SKIP THIS FOR NOW; It's a known bug"
exit 77
test_skipped "Known minor bug in this code"
set -x
......@@ -12,18 +12,15 @@
if [ "x$rsync_enable_ssh_tests" != xyes ]
echo "Skipping SSH tests because \$rsync_enable_ssh_tests is not set"
exit 77
test_skipped "Skipping SSH tests because \$rsync_enable_ssh_tests is not set"
if ! type ssh >/dev/null ; then
echo "Skipping SSH tests because ssh is not in the path"
exit 77
test_skipped "Skipping SSH tests because ssh is not in the path"
if ! [ "`ssh -o'BatchMode yes' localhost echo yes`" = "yes" ]; then
echo "Skipping SSH tests because ssh conection to localhost not authorised"
exit 77
test_skipped "Skipping SSH tests because ssh conection to localhost not authorised"
runtest "ssh: basic test" 'checkit "$RSYNC -avH -e ssh --rsync-path=$RSYNC ${FROM}/ localhost:${TO}" ${FROM}/ ${TO}'
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