Commit 86eb9f95 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Exit if something goes wrong with commit or tag.

parent 18fa9129
......@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ rename("a/configure", "a/"); # XXX remove soon
system "rsync -a @extra_files rsync-$version/";
system "git-commit -a -m 'Preparing for release of $version'";
system "git-tag -s -m 'Version $version.' v$version";
system "git-commit -a -m 'Preparing for release of $version'" and exit 1;
system "git-tag -s -m 'Version $version.' v$version" and exit 1;
# When creating a pre-release after a normal release, there's nothing to move.
if ($diffdir ne $dest) {
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