Commit 88b93c61 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Corrected "log format" info and added info on --remove-sent-files.

parent b62fd393
......@@ -13,12 +13,9 @@ Changes since 2.6.3:
being pushed (since the stats come from the sending side).
(Requires protocol 29 for a pull.)
- The default "log format" for a daemon rsync with "transfer logging"
enabled has changed to put the file size prior to the file name and
also to add the destination of a symlink (e.g. "foo -> bar"). The
rsyncstats perl script was updated to handle this (it's now in the
"support" directory). If you depend on the old format, just set it
in your rsyncd.conf file.
- The "%o" (operation) value now has a third value besides "send" and
"recv": "del." (with trailing dot to make it 4 chars). This changes
the way deletions are logged in the daemon's log file.
......@@ -189,6 +186,9 @@ Changes since 2.6.3:
it needs the new file-sorting order. (Promoted from patches dir
and enhanced.)
- Added the --remove-sent-files option, which lets you move files
between systems.
- Improved the option descriptions in the --help text.
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