Commit 926d86d1 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Document the extended parsing of --max-size values.

parent aeb213ea
......@@ -799,9 +799,19 @@ This is useful when mirroring very large trees to prevent disasters.
dit(bf(--max-size=SIZE)) This tells rsync to avoid transferring any
file that is larger than the specified SIZE. The SIZE value can be
suffixed with a letter to indicate a size multiplier (K, M, or G) and
suffixed with a string to indicate a size multiplier, and
may be a fractional value (e.g. "bf(--max-size=1.5m)").
The suffixes are as follows: "K" (or "k") is a kilobyte (1024),
"M" (or "m") is a megabyte (1024*1024), and "G" (or "g") is a
gigabyte (1024*1024*1024).
If you want the multiplier to be 1000 instead of 1024, suffix the K, G, or
M with a "T" (or "t") to indicate that a power of 10 is desired.
Finally, if the suffix ends in either "+1" or "-1", the value will
be offset by one byte in the indicated direction.
Examples: --max-size=1.5mt-1 is 1499999 bytes, and --max-size=2g+1 is
2147483649 bytes.
dit(bf(-B, --block-size=BLOCKSIZE)) This forces the block size used in
the rsync algorithm to a fixed value. It is normally selected based on
the size of each file being updated. See the technical report for details.
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