Commit a01e3b49 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Change naming of local patch-related branches and unify

the git-status checking into a library.
parent 2b2a4738
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use Getopt::Long;
my %local_branch;
open PIPE, '-|', 'git branch -l' or die "Unable to fork: $!\n";
while (<PIPE>) {
if (m# patch/(.*)#) {
if (m# patch/\Q$master_branch\E/(.*)#o) {
$local_branch{$1} = 1;
......@@ -24,17 +24,14 @@ close PIPE;
if ($delete_local_branches) {
foreach my $name (sort keys %local_branch) {
my $branch = "patch/$name";
my $branch = "patch/$master_branch/$name";
system 'git', 'branch', '-D', $branch and exit 1;
%local_branch = ( );
open IN, '-|', 'git status' or die $!;
my $status = join('', <IN>);
close IN;
die "The checkout is not clean:\n", $status unless $status =~ /\nnothing to commit \(working directory clean\)/;
die "The checkout is not on the $master_branch branch.\n" unless $status =~ /^# On branch $master_branch\n/;
require 'packaging/';
check_git_state($master_branch, !$skip_branch_check, 1);
my @patch_list;
foreach (@ARGV) {
......@@ -121,10 +118,10 @@ sub create_branch
$parent_branch = $commit if defined $commit;
} else {
$parent_branch = "patch/$parent";
$parent_branch = "patch/$master_branch/$parent";
my $branch = "patch/$name";
my $branch = "patch/$master_branch/$name";
print "\n", '=' x 64, "\nProcessing $branch ($parent_branch)\n";
if ($local_branch{$name}) {
......@@ -176,7 +173,7 @@ Options:
-b, --branch=BRANCH Create branches relative to BRANCH if no "based-on"
header was found in the patch file.
--skip-check Skip the check that ensures starting with a clean branch.
--delete Delete all the local patch/* branches, not just the ones
--delete Delete all the local patch/BASE/* branches, not just the ones
that are being recreated.
-h, --help Output this help message.
# Do some git-status checking for the current dir and (optionally)
# the patches dir.
sub check_git_state
my($master_branch, $fatal_unless_clean, $check_patches_dir) = @_;
my($cur_branch) = check_git_status($fatal_unless_clean);
if ($cur_branch ne $master_branch) {
print "The checkout is not on the $master_branch branch.\n";
exit 1 if $master_branch ne 'master';
print "Do you want me to continue with --branch=$cur_branch? [n] ";
$_ = <STDIN>;
exit 1 unless /^y/i;
$_[0] = $master_branch = $cur_branch; # Updates caller's $master_branch too.
if ($check_patches_dir && -d 'patches/.git') {
($cur_branch) = check_git_status($fatal_unless_clean, 'patches');
if ($cur_branch ne $master_branch) {
print "The *patches* checkout is on branch $cur_branch, not branch $master_branch.\n";
print "Do you want to change it to branch $master_branch? [n] ";
$_ = <STDIN>;
exit 1 unless /^y/i;
system "cd patches && git checkout '$master_branch'";
sub check_git_status
my($fatal_unless_clean, $subdir) = @_;
$subdir = '.' unless defined $subdir;
my $status = `cd '$subdir' && git status`;
my $is_clean = $status =~ /\nnothing to commit \(working directory clean\)/;
my($cur_branch) = $status =~ /^# On branch (.+)\n/;
if ($fatal_unless_clean && !$is_clean) {
if ($subdir eq '.') {
$subdir = '';
} else {
$subdir = " *$subdir*";
die "The$subdir checkout is not clean:\n", $status;
($cur_branch, $is_clean, $status);
# This script is used to turn one or more of the "patch/*" branches
# This script is used to turn one or more of the "patch/BASE/*" branches
# into one or more diffs in the "patches" directory. Pass the option
# --gen if you want generated files in the diffs. Pass the name of
# one or more diffs if you want to just update a subset of all the
......@@ -31,10 +31,8 @@ if (defined $incl_generated_files) {
die "No '$patches_dir' directory was found.\n" unless -d $patches_dir;
die "No '.git' directory present in the current dir.\n" unless -d '.git';
my($status, $is_clean, $starting_branch) = &check_git_status;
if (!$skip_branch_check && !$is_clean) {
die "The checkout is not clean:\n", $status;
require 'packaging/';
check_git_state($master_branch, !$skip_branch_check, 1);
my $master_commit;
open PIPE, '-|', "git log -1 --no-color $master_branch" or die $!;
......@@ -72,7 +70,7 @@ my %patches;
# Start by finding all patches so that we can load all possible parents.
open(PIPE, '-|', 'git', 'branch', '-l') or die $!;
while (<PIPE>) {
if (m# patch/(.*)#) {
if (m# patch/\Q$master_branch\E/(.*)#o) {
$patches{$1} = 1;
......@@ -82,7 +80,7 @@ my @patches = sort keys %patches;
my(%parent, %description);
foreach my $patch (@patches) {
my $branch = "patch/$patch";
my $branch = "patch/$master_branch/$patch";
my $desc = '';
open(PIPE, '-|', 'git', 'diff', '-U1000', "$master_branch...$branch", '--', "PATCH.$patch") or die $!;
while (<PIPE>) {
......@@ -126,7 +124,7 @@ if ($incl_generated_files) {
sleep 1 while $last_touch >= time;
system "git checkout $starting_branch" and exit 1;
system "git checkout $master_branch" and exit 1;
......@@ -141,7 +139,7 @@ sub update_patch
unless ($completed{$parent}++) {
$based_on = $parent = "patch/$parent";
$based_on = $parent = "patch/$master_branch/$parent";
} else {
$parent = $master_branch;
$based_on = $master_commit;
......@@ -150,12 +148,13 @@ sub update_patch
print "======== $patch ========\n";
sleep 1 while $incl_generated_files && $last_touch >= time;
system "git checkout patch/$patch" and return 0;
system "git checkout patch/$master_branch/$patch" and return 0;
my $ok = system("git merge $based_on") == 0;
if (!$ok || $launch_shell) {
my($parent_dir) = $parent =~ m{([^/]+)$};
print qq|"git merge $based_on" incomplete -- please fix.\n| if !$ok;
$ENV{PS1} = "[$parent] patch/$patch: ";
$ENV{PS1} = "[$parent_dir] $patch: ";
while (1) {
if (system($ENV{SHELL}) != 0) {
print "Abort? [n/y] ";
......@@ -163,7 +162,7 @@ sub update_patch
next unless /^y/i;
return 0;
($status, $is_clean) = &check_git_status;
my($cur_branch, $is_clean, $status) = check_git_status(0);
last if $is_clean;
print $status;
......@@ -214,27 +213,17 @@ sub update_patch
sub check_git_status
open(IN, '-|', 'git status') or die $!;
my $status = join('', <IN>);
close IN;
my $is_clean = $status =~ /\nnothing to commit \(working directory clean\)/;
my($starting_branch) = $status =~ /^# On branch (.+)\n/;
($status, $is_clean, $starting_branch);
sub usage
die <<EOT;
Usage: patch-update [OPTIONS] [patches/DIFF...]
-b, --branch=BRANCH The master branch to merge into the patch/* branches.
-b, --branch=BRANCH The master branch to merge into the patch/BASE/* branches.
--gen[=DIR] Include generated files. Optional destination DIR
arg overrides the default of using the "patches" dir.
--skip-check Skip the check that ensures starting with a clean branch.
-s, --shell Launch a shell for every patch/* branch updated, not
-s, --shell Launch a shell for every patch/BASE/* branch updated, not
just when a conflict occurs.
-h, --help Output this help message.
......@@ -61,30 +61,8 @@ die "There is no .git dir in the current directory.\n" unless -d '.git';
die "'a' must not exist in the current directory.\n" if -e 'a';
die "'b' must not exist in the current directory.\n" if -e 'b';
my $status = `git status`;
die "The checkout is not clean:\n", $status unless $status =~ /\nnothing to commit \(working directory clean\)/;
my($cur_branch) = $status =~ /^# On branch (.+)\n/;
if ($cur_branch ne $master_branch) {
print "The checkout is not on the $master_branch branch.\n";
exit 1 if $master_branch ne 'master';
print "Do you want to release branch $cur_branch? [n] ";
$_ = <STDIN>;
exit 1 unless /^y/i;
$master_branch = $cur_branch;
if (-d 'patches/.git') {
$status = `cd patches && git status`;
die "The *patches* checkout is not clean:\n", $status unless $status =~ /\nnothing to commit \(working directory clean\)/;
($cur_branch) = $status =~ /^# On branch (.+)\n/;
if ($cur_branch ne $master_branch) {
print "The *patches* checkout is on branch $cur_branch, not branch $master_branch.\n";
print "Do you want to change it to branch $master_branch? [n] ";
$_ = <STDIN>;
exit 1 unless /^y/i;
system "cd patches && git checkout '$master_branch'";
require 'packaging/';
check_git_state($master_branch, 1, 1);
my $confversion;
open(IN, '<', '') or die $!;
......@@ -285,7 +263,7 @@ print $break, <<EOT;
About to:
- commit all version changes
- merge the $master_branch branch into the patch/* branches
- merge the $master_branch branch into the patch/$master_branch/* branches
- update the files in the "patches" dir and OPTIONALLY
(if you type 'y') to launch a shell for each patch
......@@ -299,7 +277,7 @@ print "Updating files in \"patches\" dir ...\n";
system "packaging/patch-update --branch=$master_branch";
if ($ans =~ /^y/i) {
print "\nVisiting all \"patch/*\" branches ...\n";
print "\nVisiting all \"patch/$master_branch/*\" branches ...\n";
system "packaging/patch-update --branch=$master_branch --shell";
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