Commit a6333519 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Mention the current limitation of the RSYNC_EXIT_STATUS value.

parent 2edfe522
......@@ -512,9 +512,11 @@ quote(itemize(
it() bf(RSYNC_ARG#): (pre-xfer only) The pre-request arguments are set
in these numbered values. RSYNC_ARG0 is always "rsyncd", and the last
value contains a single period.
it() bf(RSYNC_EXIT_STATUS): (post-xfer only) rsync's exit value. This will be 0 for a
successful run, a positive value for an error that rsync returned
(e.g. 23=partial xfer), or a -1 if rsync failed to exit properly.
it() bf(RSYNC_EXIT_STATUS): (post-xfer only) the server side's exit value.
This will be 0 for a successful run, a positive value for an error that the
server generated, or a -1 if rsync failed to exit properly. Note that an
error that occurs on the client side does not currently get sent to the
server side, so this is not the final exit status for the whole transfer.
it() bf(RSYNC_RAW_STATUS): (post-xfer only) the raw exit value from code(waitpid()).
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