Commit b964901f authored by David Dykstra's avatar David Dykstra

Fix to make_file() to exit earlier if a file is excluded, because doing

readlink_stat() on an excluded file can be a problem when using the
--copy-links option (also known as -L) and the excluded file is a symlink
that points nowhere.
parent b52c1d9d
......@@ -490,6 +490,11 @@ struct file_struct *make_file(int f, char *fname, struct string_area **ap,
fname = cleaned_name;
/* f is set to -1 when calculating deletion file list */
if (((f != -1) || !delete_excluded) && !noexcludes && !match_file_name(fname,&st))
return NULL;
if (readlink_stat(fname,&st,linkbuf) != 0) {
......@@ -512,10 +517,6 @@ struct file_struct *make_file(int f, char *fname, struct string_area **ap,
return NULL;
/* f is set to -1 when calculating deletion file list */
if (((f != -1) || !delete_excluded) && !match_file_name(fname,&st))
return NULL;
if (lp_ignore_nonreadable(module_id) && access(fname, R_OK) != 0)
return NULL;
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