Commit c20936b8 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Document the new pre-/post-xfer exec config options.

parent 08698817
......@@ -454,6 +454,35 @@ of the patterns will not be compressed during transfer.
The default setting is tt(*.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.iso *.bz2 *.tbz)
dit(bf(pre-xfer exec), bf(post-xfer exec)) You may specify a command to be run
before and/or after the transfer. If the bf(pre-xfer exec) command fails, the
transfer is aborted before it begins.
The following environment variables are set for both commands:
it() bf(RSYNC_MODULE_NAME): The name of the module being accessed.
it() bf(RSYNC_MODULE_PATH): The path configured for the module.
it() bf(RSYNC_HOST_ADDR): The accessing host's IP address.
it() bf(RSYNC_HOST_NAME): The accessing host's name.
it() bf(RSYNC_USER_NAME): The accessing user's name (empty if no user).
These environment variables will also be set for the bf(post-xfer exec)
it() bf(RSYNC_EXIT_STATUS): rsync's exit value. This will be 0 for a
successful run, a positive value for an error that rsync returned
(e.g. 23=partial xfer), or a -1 if rsync failed to exit properly.
it() bf(RSYNC_RAW_STATUS): the raw exit value from waitpid().
Even though the commands can be associated with a particular module, they
are run using the permissions of the user that started the daemon (not the
module's uid/gid setting) without any chroot restrictions (even if the
module will/has run chroot()ed).
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