Commit db0443cf authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Added "SORTED TRANSFER ORDER" manpage section.

parent d5bff8ff
......@@ -281,6 +281,19 @@ daemon (including stand-alone and inetd configurations).
If you're using one of the remote-shell transports for the transfer, there is
no need to manually start an rsync daemon.
Rsync always sorts the specified filenames into its internal transfer list.
This handles the merging together of the contents of identically named
directories, makes it easy to remove duplicate filenames, and may confuse
someone when the files are transferred in a different order than what was
given on the command-line.
If you need a particular file to be transferred prior to another, either
separate the files into different rsync calls, or consider using
bf(--delay-updates) (which doesn't affect the sorted transfer order, but
does make the final file-updating phase happen much more rapidly).
Here are some examples of how I use rsync.
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