Commit e53f49d1 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Call patch-update in its new location.

parent 0917f581
......@@ -232,11 +232,11 @@ my $ans = <STDIN>;
system "git commit -a -m 'Preparing for release of $version'" and exit 1;
print "Updating files in \"patches\" dir ...\n";
system "support/patch-update";
system "packaging/patch-update";
if ($ans =~ /^y/i) {
print "\nVisiting all \"patch/*\" branches ...\n";
system "support/patch-update --shell";
system "packaging/patch-update --shell";
print $break, <<EOT;
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ system "fakeroot tar czf $srctar_file rsync-$version; rm -rf rsync-$version";
print "Updating files in \"rsync-$version/patches\" dir ...\n";
mkdir("rsync-$version", 0755);
mkdir("rsync-$version/patches", 0755);
system "support/patch-update --skip-check --gen=rsync-$version/patches";
system "packaging/patch-update --skip-check --gen=rsync-$version/patches";
print "Creating $pattar_file ...\n";
system "fakeroot tar chzf $pattar_file rsync-$version/patches; rm -rf rsync-$version";
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