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Audio Watermarking
Storage Engines (stevedores) and Routers (loadmasters) for Varnish-Cache
Varnish Module for Regular Expression Matching with Subexpression Capture
Tie health state of a backend to other backends
Kubernetes Ingress Controller based on Varnish NOTE: WORK IN PROGRESS
Varnish Delivery Processor for parallel ESI includes
Varnish Module for reading files that may be updated at intervals
The pipe library provides Varnish delivery and fetch processors (VDPs and VFPs) that pipe client and backend responses through external commands.
NOTE: work in progress, currently only provides the VDP
A Varnish Delivery Processor (VDP) interface to Mark Adler's zipflow library to package and compress responses into the ZIP format.
A JSON formatter for VCL which sucks less
Repository for extensions to ffmpeg
Debian package building scripts and metadata. The scripts assume a working sbuild and aptly setup.
Error Latched BuffEr stream
Director to facilitate clustering/sharding of varnish-caches
Varnish module (VMOD) to access the Google RE2 regular expression engine
The Tracking Log Reader demon reads from the shared memory log of a running instance of Varnish, aggregates data logged in a specific format for requests and ESI subrequests, and forwards the data to a messaging system (such as Kafka).
This vmod implements a TUS server (see https://tus.io/protocols/resumable-upload.html ) which collects uploads on the varnish server to send them to a backend in one go for storage. It does not implement any permanent storage itself.
Efficient JSON parsing in VCL with the frozen parser (see https://github.com/cesanta/frozen) For issues & merge requests please use the gitlab mirror: https://gitlab.com/uplex/varnish/libvmod-frozen
Kubernetes certificate downloader: an application that watches TLS Secrets in a Kubernetes cluster, and provides a REST API with which a client can instruct the app to manage Secrets as certificate/key files in a local directory.