Commit 933904ad authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

add test c00013.vtc

parent 52937fab
varnishtest "Test parking second request on backend delay"
server s1 {
expect req.url == "/foo"
send "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n"
delay .2
sema r1 sync 2
delay .2
send "line1\n"
delay .2
sema r1 sync 2
send "line2\n"
} -start
varnish v1 -vcl {
import backend_dyn from "${vmod_topbuild}/src/.libs/";
backend dummy { .host="${bad_ip}"; }
sub vcl_init {
if (!backend_dyn.create(name="be", host="${s1_addr}",
port="${s1_port}")) {
sub vcl_backend_fetch {
set bereq.backend = backend_dyn.by_name("be");
sub vcl_backend_response {
set beresp.do_stream = false;
} -start
varnish v1 -cliok "param.set debug +syncvsl"
client c1 {
txreq -url "/foo" -hdr "client: c1"
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.bodylen == 12
expect resp.http.x-varnish == "1001"
} -start
sema r1 sync 2
client c2 {
txreq -url "/foo" -hdr "client: c2"
delay .2
sema r1 sync 2
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.bodylen == 12
expect resp.http.x-varnish == "1004 1002"
} -run
client c1 -wait
varnish v1 -expect busy_sleep == 1
varnish v1 -expect busy_wakeup == 1
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