Commit 06c06b5e authored by Stefan Westerfeld's avatar Stefan Westerfeld

Move code for selecting a clip to speed scan function.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Westerfeld's avatarStefan Westerfeld <>
parent 034be982
......@@ -84,6 +84,26 @@ truncate (const WavData& in_data, double seconds)
return out_data;
static WavData
get_speed_clip (double location, const WavData& in_data, double clip_seconds)
double end_sec = double (in_data.n_frames()) / in_data.sample_rate();
double start_sec = location * (end_sec - clip_seconds);
if (start_sec < 0)
start_sec = 0;
size_t start_point = start_sec * in_data.sample_rate();
size_t end_point = std::min<size_t> (start_point + clip_seconds * in_data.sample_rate(), in_data.n_frames());
#if 0
printf ("[%f %f] l%f\n", double (start_point) / in_data.sample_rate(), double (end_point) / in_data.sample_rate(),
double (end_point - start_point) / in_data.sample_rate());
vector<float> out_signal (in_data.samples().begin() + start_point * in_data.n_channels(),
in_data.samples().begin() + end_point * in_data.n_channels());
WavData clip_data (out_signal, in_data.n_channels(), in_data.sample_rate(), in_data.bit_depth());
return clip_data;
class SpeedSync
......@@ -158,9 +178,10 @@ struct SpeedScanParams
static double
speed_scan (ThreadPool& thread_pool, const WavData& in_data, const SpeedScanParams& params, double speed)
speed_scan (ThreadPool& thread_pool, double clip_location, const WavData& in_data, const SpeedScanParams& params, double speed)
vector<SpeedSync::Score> scores;
/* speed is between 0.8 and 1.25, so we use a clip seconds factor of 1.3 to provide enough samples */
WavData in_clip = get_speed_clip (clip_location, in_data, params.seconds * 1.3);
/* n_center_steps / n_steps settings: speed approximately 0.8..1.25 */
......@@ -171,7 +192,7 @@ speed_scan (ThreadPool& thread_pool, const WavData& in_data, const SpeedScanPara
double c_speed = speed * pow (params.step, c * (params.n_steps * 2 + 1));
speed_sync.push_back (std::make_unique<SpeedSync> (in_data, c_speed, params.step, params.n_steps, params.seconds));
speed_sync.push_back (std::make_unique<SpeedSync> (in_clip, c_speed, params.step, params.n_steps, params.seconds));
for (auto& s : speed_sync)
......@@ -188,6 +209,7 @@ speed_scan (ThreadPool& thread_pool, const WavData& in_data, const SpeedScanPara
printf ("## wait search jobs: %f\n", get_time() - t);
vector<SpeedSync::Score> scores;
for (auto& s : speed_sync)
vector<SpeedSync::Score> step_scores = s->get_scores();
......@@ -409,35 +431,11 @@ get_clip_location (const WavData& in_data)
return rng.random_double();
static WavData
get_speed_clip (double location, const WavData& in_data, double clip_seconds)
double end_sec = double (in_data.n_frames()) / in_data.sample_rate();
double start_sec = location * (end_sec - clip_seconds);
if (start_sec < 0)
start_sec = 0;
size_t start_point = start_sec * in_data.sample_rate();
size_t end_point = std::min<size_t> (start_point + clip_seconds * in_data.sample_rate(), in_data.n_frames());
#if 0
printf ("[%f %f] l%f\n", double (start_point) / in_data.sample_rate(), double (end_point) / in_data.sample_rate(),
double (end_point - start_point) / in_data.sample_rate());
vector<float> out_signal (in_data.samples().begin() + start_point * in_data.n_channels(),
in_data.samples().begin() + end_point * in_data.n_channels());
WavData clip_data (out_signal, in_data.n_channels(), in_data.sample_rate(), in_data.bit_depth());
return clip_data;
detect_speed (const WavData& in_data)
double clip_location = get_clip_location (in_data);
/* speed is between 0.8 and 1.25, so we use a clip seconds factor of 1.3 to provide enough samples */
WavData in_clip_short = get_speed_clip (clip_location, in_data, 21 * 1.3);
WavData in_clip_long = get_speed_clip (clip_location, in_data, 50 * 1.3);
ThreadPool thread_pool;
/* first pass: find approximation for speed */
......@@ -448,7 +446,7 @@ detect_speed (const WavData& in_data)
.n_steps = 5,
.n_center_steps = 28
double speed = speed_scan (thread_pool, in_clip_short, scan1, /* start speed */ 1.0);
double speed = speed_scan (thread_pool, clip_location, in_data, scan1, /* start speed */ 1.0);
/* second pass: fast refine (not always perfect) */
const SpeedScanParams scan2
......@@ -458,6 +456,6 @@ detect_speed (const WavData& in_data)
.n_steps = 20,
.n_center_steps = 0
speed = speed_scan (thread_pool, in_clip_long, scan2, speed);
speed = speed_scan (thread_pool, clip_location, in_data, scan2, speed);
return speed;
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