Commit 12565122 authored by Stefan Westerfeld's avatar Stefan Westerfeld

Use low level fft api directly to optimize performance.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Westerfeld's avatarStefan Westerfeld <>
parent 3aea6c36
......@@ -232,29 +232,6 @@ block_count (const WavData& wav_data)
return frame_count (wav_data) / (Params::block_size * Params::frames_per_bit);
* get one audio frame, Params::frame_size samples if available
* in case of stereo: deinterleave
get_frame (const WavData& wav_data, int f, int ch)
auto& samples = wav_data.samples();
size_t pos = (f * Params::frame_size) * wav_data.n_channels() + ch;
assert (pos + (Params::frame_size - 1) * wav_data.n_channels() < samples.size());
vector<float> result (Params::frame_size);
for (size_t x = 0; x < Params::frame_size; x++)
result[x] = samples[pos];
pos += wav_data.n_channels();
return result;
get_up_down (int f, vector<int>& up, vector<int>& down)
......@@ -348,21 +325,35 @@ compute_frame_ffts (const WavData& wav_data)
window[i] *= 2.0 / window_weight;
float *frame = new_array_float (Params::frame_size);
float *frame_fft = new_array_float (Params::frame_size);
for (int f = 0; f < frame_count (wav_data); f++)
for (int ch = 0; ch < wav_data.n_channels(); ch++)
vector<float> frame = get_frame (wav_data, f, ch);
const auto& samples = wav_data.samples();
/* apply window */
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame.size(); i++)
frame[i] *= window[i];
size_t pos = (f * Params::frame_size) * wav_data.n_channels() + ch;
assert (pos + (Params::frame_size - 1) * wav_data.n_channels() < samples.size());
/* deinterleave frame data and apply window */
for (size_t x = 0; x < Params::frame_size; x++)
frame[x] = samples[pos] * window[x];
pos += wav_data.n_channels();
/* FFT transform */
fft_out.push_back (fft (frame));
fftar_float (Params::frame_size, frame, frame_fft);
/* complex<float> vector and fft_out have the same layout in memory */
vector<complex<float>> out (Params::frame_size / 2 + 1);
std::copy (frame_fft, frame_fft + out.size() * 2, reinterpret_cast<float *> (&out[0]));
fft_out.emplace_back (out);
free_array_float (frame);
free_array_float (frame_fft);
return fft_out;
......@@ -947,7 +938,7 @@ public:
const double min_db = -96;
vector<float> db_spect (spect.size());
for (size_t i = Params::min_band; i <= Params::max_band; i++)
for (int i = Params::min_band; i <= Params::max_band; i++)
db_spect[i] = db_from_factor (abs (spect[i]), min_db);
fft_out_db.push_back (db_spect);
......@@ -4,7 +4,14 @@
#include <complex>
#include <vector>
/* high level api */
std::vector<std::complex<float>> fft (const std::vector<float>& in);
std::vector<float> ifft (const std::vector<std::complex<float>>& in);
/* more efficient: low level api */
void fftar_float (size_t N, float *in, float *out);
float *new_array_float (size_t N);
void free_array_float (float *f);
#endif /* AUDIOWMARK_FFT_HH */
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