Commit 1a9bcf4b authored by Tim Janik's avatar Tim Janik

SRC: implement JSON output for ResultSet printing

Signed-off-by: 's avatarTim Janik <>
parent f4132aa2
......@@ -167,6 +167,51 @@ public:
patterns.push_back (p);
print_json (const WavData& wav_data)
std::stable_sort (patterns.begin(), patterns.end(), [](const Pattern& p1, const Pattern& p2) {
const int all1 = p1.type == Type::ALL;
const int all2 = p2.type == Type::ALL;
if (all1 != all2)
return all1 < all2;
return p1.sync_score.index < p2.sync_score.index;
const size_t time_length = (wav_data.samples().size() / wav_data.n_channels() + wav_data.sample_rate()/2) / wav_data.sample_rate();
printf ("{ \"length\": \"%ld:%02ld\",\n", time_length / 60, time_length % 60);
printf (" \"matches\": [\n");
int nth = 0;
for (const auto& pattern : patterns)
if (nth++ != 0)
printf (",\n");
if (pattern.type == Type::ALL) /* this is the combined pattern "all" */
printf (" { \"pos\": \"0:00\", \"bits\": \"%s\", \"type\": \"ALL\", \"quality\": %.5f, \"error\": %.6f, \"clip\": false }",
bit_vec_to_str (pattern.bit_vec).c_str(),
pattern.sync_score.quality, pattern.decode_error);
const char *blockc; // quoted block type + comma
switch (pattern.sync_score.block_type)
case ConvBlockType::a: blockc = "\"A\", "; break;
case ConvBlockType::b: blockc = "\"B\", "; break;
case ConvBlockType::ab: blockc = "\"AB\", "; break;
const int seconds = pattern.sync_score.index / Params::mark_sample_rate;
printf (" { \"pos\": \"%d:%02d\", \"bits\": \"%s\", \"type\": %s \"quality\": %.5f, \"error\": %.6f, \"clip\": %s }",
// pattern %2d:%02d %s %.3f %.3f %s\n
seconds / 60, seconds % 60,
bit_vec_to_str (pattern.bit_vec).c_str(), blockc,
pattern.sync_score.quality, pattern.decode_error,
pattern.type == Type::CLIP ? "true" : "false");
printf (" ]\n}\n");
std::stable_sort (patterns.begin(), patterns.end(), [](const Pattern& p1, const Pattern& p2) {
......@@ -574,9 +619,12 @@ decode_and_report (const WavData& wav_data, const string& orig_pattern)
ClipDecoder clip_decoder; (wav_data, result_set);
if (!orig_pattern.empty())
if (Params::json_output)
result_set.print_json (wav_data);
else if (!orig_pattern.empty())
int match_count = result_set.print_match_count (orig_pattern);
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