Commit 2b505b9b authored by Stefan Westerfeld's avatar Stefan Westerfeld

Refactor fft want_frames handling.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Westerfeld's avatarStefan Westerfeld <>
parent 83225ed9
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ randomize_bit_order (const vector<T>& bit_vec, bool encode)
compute_frame_ffts (const WavData& wav_data, size_t start_index, size_t frame_count, vector<int> want_frames = {})
compute_frame_ffts (const WavData& wav_data, size_t start_index, size_t frame_count, const vector<int>& want_frames)
vector<vector<complex<float>>> fft_out;
......@@ -311,30 +311,33 @@ compute_frame_ffts (const WavData& wav_data, size_t start_index, size_t frame_co
if (!want_frames.empty() && !want_frames[f])
/* skip fft calculation completely if frame is not in want_frames */
for (int ch = 0; ch < wav_data.n_channels(); ch++)
for (int ch = 0; ch < wav_data.n_channels(); ch++)
const auto& samples = wav_data.samples();
for (int ch = 0; ch < wav_data.n_channels(); ch++)
const auto& samples = wav_data.samples();
size_t pos = (start_index + f * Params::frame_size) * wav_data.n_channels() + ch;
assert (pos + (Params::frame_size - 1) * wav_data.n_channels() < samples.size());
size_t pos = (start_index + f * Params::frame_size) * wav_data.n_channels() + ch;
assert (pos + (Params::frame_size - 1) * wav_data.n_channels() < samples.size());
/* deinterleave frame data and apply window */
for (size_t x = 0; x < Params::frame_size; x++)
frame[x] = samples[pos] * window[x];
pos += wav_data.n_channels();
/* FFT transform */
fftar_float (Params::frame_size, frame, frame_fft);
/* deinterleave frame data and apply window */
for (size_t x = 0; x < Params::frame_size; x++)
frame[x] = samples[pos] * window[x];
pos += wav_data.n_channels();
/* FFT transform */
fftar_float (Params::frame_size, frame, frame_fft);
/* complex<float> and frame_fft have the same layout in memory */
const complex<float> *first = (complex<float> *) frame_fft;
const complex<float> *last = first + Params::frame_size / 2 + 1;
fft_out.emplace_back (first, last);
/* complex<float> and frame_fft have the same layout in memory */
const complex<float> *first = (complex<float> *) frame_fft;
const complex<float> *last = first + Params::frame_size / 2 + 1;
fft_out.emplace_back (first, last);
free_array_float (frame);
......@@ -691,7 +694,7 @@ add_watermark (const string& infile, const string& outfile, const string& bits)
/* we have extra space for the padded wave data -> truncated before save */
vector<float> out_signal (wav_data.n_values());
vector<vector<complex<float>>> fft_out = compute_frame_ffts (wav_data, 0, frame_count (wav_data));
vector<vector<complex<float>>> fft_out = compute_frame_ffts (wav_data, 0, frame_count (wav_data), /* want all frames */ {});
vector<vector<complex<float>>> fft_delta_spect;
for (int f = 0; f < frame_count (wav_data); f++)
......@@ -1062,7 +1065,7 @@ public:
size_t n_bands = Params::max_band - Params::min_band + 1;
for (size_t sync_shift = 0; sync_shift < Params::frame_size; sync_shift += Params::sync_search_step)
sync_fft (wav_data, sync_shift, frame_count (wav_data) - 1, fft_db, {});
sync_fft (wav_data, sync_shift, frame_count (wav_data) - 1, fft_db, /* want all frames */ {});
for (int start_frame = 0; start_frame < frame_count (wav_data); start_frame++)
const size_t sync_index = start_frame * Params::frame_size + sync_shift;
......@@ -1236,7 +1239,7 @@ decode_and_report (const WavData& wav_data, const string& orig_pattern)
const size_t index = sync_score.index;
const int ab = (sync_score.block_type == ConvBlockType::b); /* A -> 0, B -> 1 */
auto fft_range_out = compute_frame_ffts (wav_data, index, count);
auto fft_range_out = compute_frame_ffts (wav_data, index, count, /* want all frames */ {});
if (fft_range_out.size())
/* ---- retrieve bits from watermark ---- */
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