Commit 57ef041f authored by Stefan Westerfeld's avatar Stefan Westerfeld

Use better parameters to make speed detection more reliable.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Westerfeld's avatarStefan Westerfeld <>
parent b2b54cd6
......@@ -1161,36 +1161,22 @@ speed_scan (const WavData& in_data)
vector<SpeedSync::Score> scores;
/* n_center_steps / n_steps settings: speed approximately 0.8..1.25 */
const int n_center_steps = 10;
const int n_steps = 10;
const double step = 1.001;
const int n_center_steps = 28;
const int n_steps = 5;
const double step = 1.0007;
for (int c = -n_center_steps; c <= n_center_steps; c++)
double c_speed = pow (step, c * (n_steps * 2 + 1));
SpeedSync speed_sync;
vector<SpeedSync::Score> step_scores = (in_data, c_speed, step, n_steps, /* seconds */ 15);
vector<SpeedSync::Score> step_scores = (in_data, c_speed, step, n_steps, /* seconds */ 21);
scores.insert (scores.end(), step_scores.begin(), step_scores.end());
sort (scores.begin(), scores.end(), [] (SpeedSync::Score s_a, SpeedSync::Score s_b) { return s_a.quality > s_b.quality; });
if (scores.size() > 5)
scores.resize (5);
double best_refined_quality = 0.001; // HACK
SpeedSync::Score best_s;
best_s.speed = scores[0].speed;
best_s.quality = scores[0].quality;
for (auto s : scores)
double refined_quality = 0;
detect_speed (in_data, s.speed, /* no step */ 1, /* n_steps */ 0, /* seconds */ 15, &refined_quality);
if (refined_quality > best_refined_quality)
best_s = s;
best_refined_quality = refined_quality;
// we could search the N best matches, but using the best result works well in practice
SpeedSync::Score best_s = scores[0];
printf ("## %f %f\n", best_s.speed, best_s.quality);
return best_s.speed;
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