Commit 605d3b8c authored by Stefan Westerfeld's avatar Stefan Westerfeld

testhls: avoid tempfile for watermarker input (pass as AudioInputStream)

Signed-off-by: Stefan Westerfeld's avatarStefan Westerfeld <>
parent 44ad77de
......@@ -237,6 +237,49 @@ hls_embed_context (const string& in_dir, const string& out_dir, const string& fi
return 0;
class WDInputStream : public AudioInputStream
WavData *wav_data;
size_t read_pos = 0;
WDInputStream (WavData *wav_data) :
wav_data (wav_data)
bit_depth() const override
return wav_data->bit_depth();
sample_rate() const override
return wav_data->sample_rate();
n_channels() const override
return wav_data->n_channels();
n_frames() const override
return wav_data->n_values() / wav_data->n_channels();
read_frames (std::vector<float>& samples, size_t count) override
size_t read_count = min (n_frames() - read_pos, count);
const auto& wsamples = wav_data->samples();
samples.assign (wsamples.begin() + read_pos * n_channels(), wsamples.begin() + (read_pos + read_count) * n_channels());
read_pos += read_count;
return Error::Code::NONE;
mark_zexpand (WavData& wav_data, size_t zero_frames, const string& bits)
......@@ -246,22 +289,23 @@ mark_zexpand (WavData& wav_data, size_t zero_frames, const string& bits)
samples.insert (samples.begin(), zero_frames * wav_data.n_channels(), /* value */ 0);
wav_data.set_samples (samples);
FILE *tmp_in = tmpfile();
ScopedFile tmp_in_s (tmp_in);
string tmp_in_name = string_printf ("/dev/fd/%d", fileno (tmp_in));
FILE *tmp_out = tmpfile();
ScopedFile tmp_out_s (tmp_out);
string tmp_out_name = string_printf ("/dev/fd/%d", fileno (tmp_out));
Error err = (tmp_in_name);
Error err;
WDInputStream in_stream (&wav_data);
const int out_bit_depth = in_stream.bit_depth() > 16 ? 24 : 16;
std::unique_ptr<AudioOutputStream> out_stream;
out_stream = AudioOutputStream::create (tmp_out_name, in_stream.n_channels(), in_stream.sample_rate(), out_bit_depth, in_stream.n_frames(), err);
if (err)
error ("mark zexpand save: %s", err.message());
error ("audiowmark: error writing to %s: %s\n", tmp_out_name.c_str(), err.message());
return 1;
int rc = add_watermark (tmp_in_name, tmp_out_name, bits);
int rc = add_stream_watermark (&in_stream, out_stream.get(), bits);
if (rc != 0)
return rc;
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