Commit 66628a94 authored by Stefan Westerfeld's avatar Stefan Westerfeld

Add code to write 16-bit wav header + data to stdout.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Westerfeld's avatarStefan Westerfeld <>
parent 379dbd21
......@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
#include <vector>
#include <sndfile.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "wavdata.hh"
#include "utils.hh"
class AudioInputStream
......@@ -60,6 +62,15 @@ public:
class StdoutWavOutputStream : public AudioOutputStream
std::string m_error_blurb;
bool open (int n_channels, int sample_rate, int bit_depth, size_t n_frames);
bool write_frames (const std::vector<float>& frames);
const char *error_blurb() const
return m_error_blurb.c_str();
using std::string;
......@@ -140,25 +151,106 @@ SFInputStream::close()
static void
header_append_str (vector<unsigned char>& bytes, const string& str)
for (auto ch : str)
bytes.push_back (ch);
static void
header_append_u32 (vector<unsigned char>& bytes, uint32_t u)
bytes.push_back (u);
bytes.push_back (u >> 8);
bytes.push_back (u >> 16);
bytes.push_back (u >> 24);
static void
header_append_u16 (vector<unsigned char>& bytes, uint16_t u)
bytes.push_back (u);
bytes.push_back (u >> 8);
StdoutWavOutputStream::open (int n_channels, int sample_rate, int bit_depth, size_t n_frames)
if (bit_depth != 16)
m_error_blurb = "StdoutWavOutputStream::open: unsupported bit depth";
return false;
vector<unsigned char> header_bytes;
size_t data_size = n_frames * n_channels * ((bit_depth + 7) / 8);
header_append_str (header_bytes, "RIFF");
header_append_u32 (header_bytes, 36 + data_size);
header_append_str (header_bytes, "WAVE");
// subchunk 1
header_append_str (header_bytes, "fmt ");
header_append_u32 (header_bytes, 16); // subchunk size
header_append_u16 (header_bytes, 1); // uncompressed audio
header_append_u16 (header_bytes, n_channels);
header_append_u32 (header_bytes, sample_rate);
header_append_u32 (header_bytes, sample_rate * n_channels * bit_depth / 8); // byte rate
header_append_u16 (header_bytes, n_channels * bit_depth / 8); // block align
header_append_u16 (header_bytes, bit_depth); // bits per sample
// subchunk 2
header_append_str (header_bytes, "data");
header_append_u32 (header_bytes, data_size);
fwrite (&header_bytes[0], 1, header_bytes.size(), stdout);
return true;
StdoutWavOutputStream::write_frames (const vector<float>& samples)
vector<unsigned char> output_bytes (samples.size() * sizeof (short));
for (size_t i = 0; i < samples.size(); i++)
const double norm = 0x80000000LL;
const double min_value = -0x80000000LL;
const double max_value = 0x7FFFFFFF;
const int sample = lrint (bound<double> (min_value, samples[i] * norm, max_value));
// write short little endian value
output_bytes[i * 2] = sample >> 16;
output_bytes[i * 2 + 1] = sample >> 24;
fwrite (&output_bytes[0], 1, output_bytes.size(), stdout);
return true;
main (int argc, char **argv)
SFInputStream in;
StdoutWavOutputStream out;
std::string filename = (argc >= 2) ? argv[1] : "-";
if (! (filename.c_str()))
fprintf (stderr, "teststream: open failed: %s\n", in.error_blurb());
fprintf (stderr, "teststream: open input failed: %s\n", in.error_blurb());
return 1;
vector<float> samples, all_samples;
if (! (in.n_channels(), in.sample_rate(), 16, in.n_frames()))
fprintf (stderr, "teststream: open output failed: %s\n", out.error_blurb());
return 1;
vector<float> samples;
samples = in.read_frames (1024);
all_samples.insert (all_samples.end(), samples.begin(), samples.end());
out.write_frames (samples);
while (samples.size());
WavData wav_data (all_samples, in.n_channels(), in.sample_rate(), 16); ("out.wav");
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