Commit 8445e326 authored by Stefan Westerfeld's avatar Stefan Westerfeld

Document video watermarking using videowmark.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Westerfeld's avatarStefan Westerfeld <>
parent 42124312
......@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ specified as hex-string):
Sample Rate: 48000
Channels: 2
Data Blocks: 4
Volume Norm: 0.987 (-0.12 dB)
The most important options for adding a watermark are:
......@@ -150,6 +149,48 @@ watermark. Fractional strengths (like 7.5) are possible.
audiowmark add --strength 15 in.wav out.wav 0123456789abcdef0011223344556677
audiowmark get --strength 15 out.wav
== Video Files
For video files, `videowmark` can be used to add a watermark to the audio track
of video files. To add a watermark, use
*$ videowmark add in.avi out.avi 0123456789abcdef0011223344556677*
Audio Codec: -c:a mp3 -ab 128000
Input: in.avi
Output: out.avi
Message: 0123456789abcdef0011223344556677
Strength: 10
Time: 3:53
Sample Rate: 44100
Channels: 2
Data Blocks: 4
To detect a watermark, use
*$ videowmark get out.avi*
pattern 0:05 0123456789abcdef0011223344556677 1.294 0.142 A
pattern 0:57 0123456789abcdef0011223344556677 1.191 0.144 B
pattern 0:57 0123456789abcdef0011223344556677 1.242 0.145 AB
pattern 1:49 0123456789abcdef0011223344556677 1.215 0.120 A
pattern 2:40 0123456789abcdef0011223344556677 1.079 0.128 B
pattern 2:40 0123456789abcdef0011223344556677 1.147 0.126 AB
pattern all 0123456789abcdef0011223344556677 1.195 0.104
The key and strength can be set using the command line options
--key <filename>::
Use watermarking key from file <filename> (see <<key>>).
--strength <s>::
Set the watermarking strength (see <<strength>>).
== Output as Stream
Usually, an input file is read, watermarked and an output file is written.
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