Commit 88dccbbd authored by Stefan Westerfeld's avatar Stefan Westerfeld

If Resampler doesn't support desired ratio, fallback to VResampler.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Westerfeld's avatarStefan Westerfeld <>
parent 479e441a
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "random.hh"
#include <zita-resampler/resampler.h>
#include <zita-resampler/vresampler.h>
#include <assert.h>
......@@ -501,23 +502,11 @@ mark_pad (const WavData& wav_data, size_t frame, const vector<vector<complex<flo
resample (const WavData& wav_data, int rate)
template<class R>
static void
process_resampler (R& resampler, const vector<float>& in, vector<float>& out)
if (rate == wav_data.sample_rate())
return wav_data;
Resampler resampler;
const int n_channels = wav_data.n_channels();
const int hlen = 16;
const double ratio = double (rate) / wav_data.sample_rate();
const vector<float>& in = wav_data.samples();
vector<float> out (lrint (in.size() / n_channels * ratio) * n_channels);
resampler.setup (wav_data.sample_rate(), rate, n_channels, hlen);
resampler.out_count = out.size() / n_channels;
resampler.out_count = out.size() / resampler.nchan();
resampler.out_data = &out[0];
/* avoid timeshift: zita needs k/2 - 1 samples before the actual input */
......@@ -525,7 +514,7 @@ resample (const WavData& wav_data, int rate)
resampler.inp_data = nullptr;
resampler.inp_count = in.size() / n_channels;
resampler.inp_count = in.size() / resampler.nchan();
resampler.inp_data = (float *) &in[0];
......@@ -533,8 +522,36 @@ resample (const WavData& wav_data, int rate)
resampler.inp_count = resampler.inpsize() / 2;
resampler.inp_data = nullptr;
return WavData (out, wav_data.n_channels(), rate, wav_data.bit_depth());
resample (const WavData& wav_data, int rate)
if (rate == wav_data.sample_rate())
return wav_data;
const int n_channels = wav_data.n_channels();
const int hlen = 16;
const double ratio = double (rate) / wav_data.sample_rate();
const vector<float>& in = wav_data.samples();
vector<float> out (lrint (in.size() / n_channels * ratio) * n_channels);
Resampler resampler;
if (resampler.setup (wav_data.sample_rate(), rate, n_channels, hlen) == 0)
process_resampler (resampler, in, out);
return WavData (out, wav_data.n_channels(), rate, wav_data.bit_depth());
VResampler vresampler;
if (vresampler.setup (ratio, n_channels, hlen) == 0)
process_resampler (vresampler, in, out);
return WavData (out, wav_data.n_channels(), rate, wav_data.bit_depth());
fprintf (stderr, "audiowmark: resampling from rate %d to rate %d not supported.\n", wav_data.sample_rate(), rate);
exit (1);
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