Commit 8e01055d authored by Stefan Westerfeld's avatar Stefan Westerfeld

Fall back to VResampler if zita Resampler doesn't support ratio.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Westerfeld's avatarStefan Westerfeld <>
parent 0422541b
......@@ -943,44 +943,53 @@ template<class Resampler>
class BufferedResamplerImpl : public ResamplerImpl
const int n_channels = 0;
Resampler resampler;
bool first_write = true;
Resampler m_resampler;
vector<float> buffer;
BufferedResamplerImpl (int n_channels, int old_rate, int new_rate) :
BufferedResamplerImpl (int n_channels) :
n_channels (n_channels)
const int hlen = 16;
resampler.setup (old_rate, new_rate, n_channels, hlen);
/* avoid timeshift: zita needs k/2 - 1 samples before the actual input */
resampler.inp_count = resampler.inpsize () / 2 - 1;
resampler.inp_data = nullptr;
resampler.out_count = 1000000; // <- just needs to be large enough that all input is consumed
resampler.out_data = nullptr;
return m_resampler;
write_frames (const vector<float>& frames)
if (first_write)
/* avoid timeshift: zita needs k/2 - 1 samples before the actual input */
m_resampler.inp_count = m_resampler.inpsize () / 2 - 1;
m_resampler.inp_data = nullptr;
m_resampler.out_count = 1000000; // <- just needs to be large enough that all input is consumed
m_resampler.out_data = nullptr;
first_write = false;
vector<float> in = frames;
vector<float> out (256 * n_channels);
uint start = 0;
resampler.out_count = out.size() / n_channels;
resampler.out_data = &out[0];
m_resampler.out_count = out.size() / n_channels;
m_resampler.out_data = &out[0];
resampler.inp_count = in.size() / n_channels - start;
resampler.inp_data = &in[start * n_channels];
m_resampler.inp_count = in.size() / n_channels - start;
m_resampler.inp_data = &in[start * n_channels];
size_t count = out.size() / n_channels - resampler.out_count;
size_t count = out.size() / n_channels - m_resampler.out_count;
buffer.insert (buffer.end(), out.begin(), out.begin() + count * n_channels);
start += in.size() / n_channels - start - resampler.inp_count;
start += in.size() / n_channels - start - m_resampler.inp_count;
while (start != in.size() / n_channels);
......@@ -1005,9 +1014,45 @@ ResamplerImpl *
create_resampler (int n_channels, int old_rate, int new_rate)
if (old_rate == new_rate)
return new NoResamplerImpl (n_channels);
return new NoResamplerImpl (n_channels);
return new BufferedResamplerImpl<Resampler> (n_channels, old_rate, new_rate);
/* zita-resampler provides two resampling algorithms
* a fast optimized version: Resampler
* this is an optimized version, which works for many common cases,
* like resampling between 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000, 96000 Hz
* a slower version: VResampler
* this works for arbitary rates (like 33333 -> 44100 resampling)
* so we try using Resampler, and if that fails fall back to VResampler
const int hlen = 16;
auto resampler = new BufferedResamplerImpl<Resampler> (n_channels);
if (resampler->resampler().setup (old_rate, new_rate, n_channels, hlen) == 0)
return resampler;
delete resampler;
auto vresampler = new BufferedResamplerImpl<VResampler> (n_channels);
const double ratio = double (new_rate) / old_rate;
if (vresampler->resampler().setup (ratio, n_channels, hlen) == 0)
return vresampler;
error ("audiowmark: resampling from old_rate=%d to new_rate=%d not implemented\n", old_rate, new_rate);
delete vresampler;
return nullptr;
......@@ -1081,7 +1126,11 @@ add_watermark (const string& infile, const string& outfile, const string& bits)
WatermarkGen wm_gen (n_channels, bitvec_a, bitvec_b);
AudioBuffer audio_buffer (n_channels);
std::unique_ptr<ResamplerImpl> in_resampler (create_resampler (n_channels, in_stream->sample_rate(), Params::mark_sample_rate));
if (!in_resampler)
return 1;
std::unique_ptr<ResamplerImpl> out_resampler (create_resampler (n_channels, Params::mark_sample_rate, in_stream->sample_rate()));
if (!out_resampler)
return 1;
while (true)
samples = in_stream->read_frames (Params::frame_size);
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