Commit 9bec8fcc authored by Stefan Westerfeld's avatar Stefan Westerfeld

Polish clip decoder padding code somewhat more.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Westerfeld's avatarStefan Westerfeld <>
parent cd4256b9
......@@ -701,28 +701,28 @@ class ClipDecoder
run_block (const WavData& wav_data, ResultSet& result_set, int pad_frames_start, int pad_frames_end, Pos pos)
double time_offset;
vector<float> ext_samples;
const size_t n = (frames_per_block + 5) * Params::frame_size * wav_data.n_channels();
size_t first_sample;
size_t last_sample;
if (pos == Pos::START)
ext_samples = wav_data.samples();
if (ext_samples.size() > n)
ext_samples.resize (n);
time_offset = 0;
first_sample = 0;
last_sample = min (n, wav_data.n_values());
else // (pos == Pos::END)
auto s = wav_data.samples();
if (n > s.size())
if (wav_data.n_values() <= n)
ext_samples.assign (s.end() - n, s.end());
time_offset = double (s.size() - n) / wav_data.sample_rate() / wav_data.n_channels();
first_sample = wav_data.n_values() - n;
last_sample = wav_data.n_values();
const double time_offset = double (first_sample) / wav_data.sample_rate() / wav_data.n_channels();
// printf ("%d: %f..%f\n", int (pos), time_offset, time_offset + double (ext_samples.size()) / wav_data.sample_rate() / wav_data.n_channels());
vector<float> ext_samples (wav_data.samples().begin() + first_sample, wav_data.samples().begin() + last_sample);
ext_samples.insert (ext_samples.begin(), pad_frames_start * Params::frame_size * wav_data.n_channels(), 0);
ext_samples.insert (ext_samples.end(), pad_frames_end * Params::frame_size * wav_data.n_channels(), 0);
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