Commit abc6073a authored by Tim Janik's avatar Tim Janik

docs/ pandoc filter to build dot graphs in SVG format

Licensed BSD-3-Clause:
Based on 's avatarTim Janik <>
parent 411a052e
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Licensed BSD-3-Clause:
Pandoc filter to process code blocks with class "graphviz" into
SVG based graphviz-generated images.
Needs pygraphviz
# Based on
import sys, os, pygraphviz
from pandocfilters import toJSONFilter, Para, Image, RawBlock, get_filename4code, get_caption, get_extension, get_value
def graphviz (key, value, frmat, _):
if key == 'CodeBlock':
[[ident, classes, keyvals], code] = value
if "graphviz" in classes:
# sys.stderr.write ('Debug: ' + str (value) + '\n')
caption, typef, keyvals = get_caption (keyvals)
prog, keyvals = get_value (keyvals, u"prog", u"dot")
force, keyvals = get_value (keyvals, u"force", u"false")
filetype = get_extension (frmat, "svg", html ="svg", latex ="pdf")
dest = get_filename4code ("graphviz", str (value), filetype)
if force != u"false" or not os.path.isfile (dest):
g = pygraphviz.AGraph (string = code)
g.layout ()
g.draw (dest, prog = prog)
sys.stderr.write ('Create image: ' + dest + '\n')
if dest.endswith ('.svg'):
return RawBlock (u'html', '<object type="image/svg+xml" data="%s"></object>' % dest)
return Para ([Image ([ident, [], keyvals], caption, [dest, typef])])
if __name__ == "__main__":
toJSONFilter (graphviz)
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