Commit c18b949b authored by Stefan Westerfeld's avatar Stefan Westerfeld

Update documentation for --short option for short payloads.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Westerfeld's avatarStefan Westerfeld <>
parent 75f86bee
Overview of Changes in audiowmark-0.4.2:
* compile fixes for g++-9 and clang++-10
* add experimental support for short (12 bit) payload
* add experimental support for short payload
Overview of Changes in audiowmark-0.4.1:
......@@ -178,11 +178,12 @@ performed, the user needs to test patterns that the watermarker decodes to
ensure that they really are one of the expected patterns, not a decoding
As an alternative, an experimental short (12 bits) payload option is available,
used like
As an alternative, an experimental short payload option is available, for very
short payloads (12, 16 or 20 bits). It is enabled using the `--short <bits>`
command line option, for instance for 16 bits:
audiowmark add --short in.wav out.wav abc
audiowmark get --short out.wav
audiowmark add --short 16 in.wav out.wav abcd
audiowmark get --short 16 out.wav
Internally, a larger set of bits is sent to ensure that decoded short patterns
are really valid, so in this mode, error checking is performed after decoding,
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