Commit c2888f05 authored by Stefan Westerfeld's avatar Stefan Westerfeld

DOCS: update audiowmark help

Signed-off-by: Stefan Westerfeld's avatarStefan Westerfeld <>
parent dc4ff00d
......@@ -19,18 +19,25 @@ Commands:
audiowmark cmp <watermarked_wav> <message_hex>
* generate 128-bit watermarking key, to be used with --key option
audiowmark gen-key <key_file>
audiowmark gen-key <key_file> [ --name <key_name> ]
Global options:
--strength <s> set watermark strength [10]
--linear disable non-linear bit storage
--short <bits> enable short payload mode
--key <file> load watermarking key from file
-q, --quiet disable information messages
--input-format raw use raw stream as input
--output-format raw use raw stream as output
--format raw use raw stream as input and output
-q, --quiet disable information messages
--strict treat (minor) problems as errors
Options for get / cmp:
--detect-speed detect and correct replay speed difference
--detect-speed-patient slower, more accurate speed detection
--json <file> write JSON results into file
Options for add / get / cmp:
--key <file> load watermarking key from file
--short <bits> enable short payload mode
--strength <s> set watermark strength [10]
--input-format raw use raw stream as input
--output-format raw use raw stream as output
--format raw use raw stream as input and output
The options to set the raw stream parameters (such as --raw-rate
or --raw-channels) are documented in the README file.
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