• Oneric's avatar
    avcodec/ass: specify a permissive encoding · b6f5a7ce
    Oneric authored
    The Encoding field (and the \fe tag) allows to limit font selection to
    only those fonts declaring support for the specified codepage in their
    OS/2's table "Code Page Character Range" field.
    Particularly, Encoding=0 means only font's declaring support for "ANSI",
    or rather "Latin (Western European)", are allowed to be selected.
    Specifying Encoding=1 allows all fonts to be considered.
    We do not want to limit font selection, so specify Encoding=1.
    NB: at the time of writing libass only partially supports this field,
    thus hiding the issue in any libass-based renderer. A VSFilter-based
    DirectShow filter or XySubFilter will reveal the issue when a font not
    declaring support for latin characters is specified in a style.
ass.c 7.92 KB