• Geoff Simmons's avatar
    Change the sematics of the defaultKey field for self-sharding by cookie. · 5e7899ee
    Geoff Simmons authored
    The field is still optional, but if no default key is specified, then
    it is implicitly the empty string. We no longer support a use case
    in which an error response is returned for sharding by key if the
    key is missing from the request. This will also be the case when
    we support sharding by other keys besides cookies, such as request
    This makes it possible to move the clause in vcl_recv that includes
    the synthetic response to health checks from other shard instances
    to come after the code for primaryOnly. That had been moved to the
    start of vcl_recv, because health checks were failing in the shard
    by cookie case without a default key (since health probes have no
    Cookie header). But the result was that primaryOnly code did not
    work as expected. Now we have moved that clause back to where it
    was previously -- health probes now don't fail in the shard by
    cookie case, because there is always a default key.
shard_by_cookie_default.golden 3.29 KB