• Geoff Simmons's avatar
    Wait for queues and workers to shut down before exiting. · 30f73f01
    Geoff Simmons authored
    This has exposed k8s issue #59822 when we use client-go v6.0.0 for
    compatibility with k8s 1.9, when shared informers are stopped as
    part of queue shutdown:
    This upgrades to use of client-go v6.0.1, but evidently only has the
    effect that the problem is intermittent. Occasionally there are panics
    due to double channel close. The guarantee of sequential delivery
    by a shared informer may also not be honored.
    We go forward with these issues, since 1.9 is already out of support,
    and will probably start supporting newer k8s versions in the near
    Ref #6
go.mod 1.81 KB