• Geoff Simmons's avatar
    Support ExternalName Services as IngressBackends (more to come). · bd43dbbd
    Geoff Simmons authored
    Uses VMOD dynamic, and requires that the getdns library is installed
    in the image running Varnish. This allows us to use dynamic.resolve(),
    in particular so that TTLs from DNS are honored.
    Currently sets ttl to a hard-wired value of 30s. Since the TTLs for
    lookup are obtained from DNS, this actually sets the delay until
    lookups are retried after negative results (default 1h).
    The next step is to test and extend BackendConfig support to configure
    properties of VMOD dynamic. That will make it possible to configure
    the ttl value (although we might stay with a much shorter ttl than
    Partially addresses gitlab issue #20.
backendcfg.golden 4.1 KB