• Geoff Simmons's avatar
    Add the conditions field to VarnishConfig.self-sharding. · 075c5b26
    Geoff Simmons authored
    Currently only implemented to kubectl-style deployments.
    Helm support to be added in the next commits.
    This is a breaking change for the self-sharding configuration.
    Configs previously expressed in the self-sharding object are
    now moved to self-sharding.shard. In addition, the optional
    array self-sharding.conditions may express conditions under
    which self-sharding logic is executed.
    The conditions array has the same syntax and semantics as
    for req-disposition.
    XXX: there is some DRY that needs to be refactored away.
    - We currently have two internal means of expressing
      conditions under which something happens (translated
      to if-clauses with matching operations and the like in
      VCL): Condition and the legacy MatchTerm, in both the
      k8s VarnishConfig class and the spec type for VCL
      templating. These should be unified to Condition.
    - The code for interpreting Conditions for the k8s object
      in pkg/controller is in part repeated for self-sharding
      and req-disposition. These should be encapsulated in a
      common function.
    - Template generation for the if-clauses implementing
      conditions is repeated in req-dispostiion and currently
      in two places for self-sharding. This should be a
      common text/template object.
    While here, move some of the code about self-sharding and
    conditions from varnishconfig.go to ingress.go. Because
    it's actually about the VarnishConfig Custom Resource, and
    in a continuing effort to reduce the oversized ingress.go
spec.go 27.2 KB