• Geoff Simmons's avatar
    Varnish Pods are Ready when Varnish is running, even without an Ingress. · ba45234c
    Geoff Simmons authored
    Add the port "configured" to the headless Varnish admin Service,
    which responds with status 200 when an Ingress is configured, 503
    otherwise. This replaces the previous purpose of the Ready state,
    to determine if the Pods are currently implementing an Ingress.
    This is actually a small change to the Varnish images and the admin
    Service, but a wide-ranging change for testing, since we now check
    the configured port before verifying a configuration (rather than
    wait for the Ready state). Common test code is now in the bash
    library test/utils.sh.
    This commit also includes a fix for the repeated test of the
    ExternalName example, which verifies that the changed IP addresses
    for ExternalName Services are picked up by VMOD dynamic. The test
    waits for the Ready state of the IngressBackends. The second time
    around, kubectl wait sometimes picked up previous versions of the
    Pods that were in the process of terminating. These of course never
    became Ready, and the wait timed out. Now we wait for those Pods
    to delete before proceeding with the second test.
verify_proxy.sh 439 Bytes