1. 12 May, 2020 1 commit
  2. 11 May, 2020 3 commits
  3. 08 May, 2020 5 commits
  4. 05 May, 2020 8 commits
  5. 04 May, 2020 17 commits
  6. 30 Apr, 2020 5 commits
  7. 29 Apr, 2020 1 commit
    • Geoff Simmons's avatar
      Simplify isVarnishIngSvc(). · 810acfb7
      Geoff Simmons authored
      ... which determines if a Service defines the admin interfaces for
      a Varnish Service that implements Ingress. We don't have to query
      the Endpoints (which often don't exist yet when the Service is new),
      because the service port definitions are in the Spec.
      This means that the function doesn't have to return a possible
      error, which simplifies the calling code. In particular,
      filterVarnishIngSvcs(), which filters a slice of Services for those
      for which isVarnishIngSvc() is true, does not have to pass along
      the error return value. That in turn simplifies more calling code.