• Geoff Simmons's avatar
    Add self-sharding by cookie value. · 6cdb8cdd
    Geoff Simmons authored
    To ensure that health checks from other Varnish instances succeed
    in the self-sharding configuration, move the clause in vcl_recv
    that is executed when remote.ip matches the ACL for cluster members
    to the start of the subroutine.
    XXX: currently returns a synthetic 400 response if the configured
    cookie name is not found in the Cookie header (or if there is no
    Cookie header). In a further iteration, we will add an optional
    field defaultKey, which if present sets a string value to be used
    as the sharding key if the key is not found.
    XXX: testing this feature has revealed bugs in sharding by key
    (using by=KEY) unless primaryOnly is also set to true. These will
    be fixed in a further iteration.
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