• Geoff Simmons's avatar
    Update deployment YAMLs to support TLS offload. · 3259f2cd
    Geoff Simmons authored
    This introduces moving the port definitions for admin services to
    a headless Service -- varnish-ingress-admin in admin-svc.yaml. Services
    that implement Ingress with Varnish are identified by this Service:
    label app=varnish-ingress and at least the port named varnishadm,
    possibly also the admin ports for the haproxy offloader (dataplane
    and faccess).
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README.md Loading commit data...
adm-secret.yaml Loading commit data...
admin-svc.yaml Loading commit data...
backendcfg-crd.yaml Loading commit data...
clear.sh Loading commit data...
controller.yaml Loading commit data...
deploy.sh Loading commit data...
deploy.vtc Loading commit data...
init.sh Loading commit data...
nodeport.yaml Loading commit data...
rbac.yaml Loading commit data...
serviceaccount.yaml Loading commit data...
tls-cert-secret.yaml Loading commit data...
undeploy.sh Loading commit data...
varnish.yaml Loading commit data...
varnishcfg-crd.yaml Loading commit data...
verify.sh Loading commit data...