• Nils Goroll's avatar
    Do not short-cut the mutex protecting node->subreq.done · 067c16e0
    Nils Goroll authored
    A follow-up issue has been reported in #13:
    Assert error in Lck_Delete(), cache/cache_lck.c line 309:
      Condition((pthread_mutex_destroy(&ilck->mtx)) == 0) not true.
    triggered from Lck_Delete(&bytes_tree->nodes_lock) at the bottom of
    Assuming everything else working correctly, the only scenario I
    can see the moment is that we see the node->subreq.done == 1
    earlier than Lck_Unlock() returned in vped_task(). In this
    case, we could advance to destroying the lock while the other
    thread still holds it.
    The other use case of the shared lock is in fini_final(), where
    we already go through an explicit lock/unlock.
    Hopefully fixes #13 for real
node.c 27.1 KB