• Nils Goroll's avatar
    Remove the unused front push feature · a3181740
    Nils Goroll authored
    Ever since the first release of vmod_pesi, we knew that this feature
    was probably not useful: As explained in the THREADS section of the
    vcc / man page, we can not push to VDPs, so the only case where this
    could work was when there are no VDPs. The only case pESI itself does
    not need any is non-esi, non-gzip uncacheable streaming. Also, the
    only case where it made a significant difference from pushing from the
    level 0 / front thread was when there are no threads available and the
    front thread runs the current include.
    Since then, we never encountered a situation where we would have
    needed this feature.
vdp_pesi.c 33.4 KB