Commit 2e635f1a authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

copy the include path, it is owned by the caller

The src argument of vped_include() is owned by the caller
vdp_pesi_bytes(), so we need to make a copy on the subrequest's

This is not an issue with varnish-cache ESI because the include is
not handed over to a different thread.
parent 8b2a39be
......@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ vped_include(struct req *preq, const char *src, const char *host,
HTTP_Setup(req->http, req->ws, req->vsl, SLT_ReqMethod);
HTTP_Dup(req->http, preq->http0);
http_SetH(req->http, HTTP_HDR_URL, src);
http_SetH(req->http, HTTP_HDR_URL, WS_Copy(req->ws, src, -1));
if (host != NULL && *host != '\0') {
http_Unset(req->http, H_Host);
http_SetHeader(req->http, host);
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