Commit 22b58b0c authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Add the LIMITATIONS docs.

parent 63784b1f
......@@ -509,7 +509,21 @@ See `INSTALL.rst <INSTALL.rst>`_ in the source repository.
XXX ...
Memory and CPU usage for compression and decompression is largely
driven by the choice of parameters for the brotli algorithm. If you
need to limit resource consumption, consider using custom filters, and
adjusting the parameters as needed.
Memory used by the VFP, such as the temporary internal buffer and
other internal structures, is allocated from the heap, and hence is
limited by available virtual memory.
As noted above, brotli compression does not work together with Edge
Side Includes, or ESI includes, as gzip support does for standard
Varnish. If you are using ESI, then brotli-compressed backend
responses will have to be decompressed on fetch. Without any special
measures taken in VCL, client responses with ESI-included content will
have to be delivered uncompressed.
......@@ -473,7 +473,21 @@ See `INSTALL.rst <INSTALL.rst>`_ in the source repository.
XXX ...
Memory and CPU usage for compression and decompression is largely
driven by the choice of parameters for the brotli algorithm. If you
need to limit resource consumption, consider using custom filters, and
adjusting the parameters as needed.
Memory used by the VFP, such as the temporary internal buffer and
other internal structures, is allocated from the heap, and hence is
limited by available virtual memory.
As noted above, brotli compression does not work together with Edge
Side Includes, or ESI includes, as gzip support does for standard
Varnish. If you are using ESI, then brotli-compressed backend
responses will have to be decompressed on fetch. Without any special
measures taken in VCL, client responses with ESI-included content will
have to be delivered uncompressed.
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