• Geoff Simmons's avatar
    various refactorings: · 3c5b47e6
    Geoff Simmons authored
    - establish a common interface for encoders and decoders, and
      re-implement the existing functions accordingly
    - encoders always convert STRING_LIST to BLOB, decoders vice versa
    - VMOD encode() and decode() write the new data to workspace
    - transcode() writes the temporary BLOB to stack, then encodes it
      into a STRING in workspace
    - if the same encoding is specified in transcode() for encode and decode,
      just return the concatenated STRING
      - XXX: except this won't reject illegal decodings
    - simplify hex_encode(), and fix hex_en-/decode_l() (was backwards)
    - add a macro to skip over empty and undefined strings in a STRING_LIST
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