Commit f6471e08 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

add a test for an empty cookie value inbetween

parent ac980052
......@@ -61,6 +61,21 @@ server s1 {
expect req.http.Cookie == "=1"
txresp -body {Included file}
# cookie with no value within cookie header
expect req.url == "/c_no_val_middle"
expect req.http.Cookie == "ok=val; noval=; ok2=val;"
txresp -body {
Before include
<esi:include src="/i_no_val_middle"/>
After include
expect req.url == "/i_no_val_middle"
expect req.http.Cookie == "ok=val; noval=; ok2=val;"
txresp -body {Included file}
# cookie with empty value from response
expect req.url == "/includer5"
......@@ -173,6 +188,12 @@ client c1 {
expect resp.bodylen == 60
expect resp.http.X-Err == "Invalid argument"
# cookie with no value within cookie header
txreq -url "/c_no_val_middle" -hdr "Cookie: ok=val; noval=; ok2=val;"
expect resp.bodylen == 60
expect resp.http.X-Err == "Invalid argument"
# Set-Cookie response with empty value
txreq -url "/includer5" -hdr "Cookie: fromclient=1"
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