Commit 72739725 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

better docs, note on do_stream

parent 831eb07d
Pipeline #359 skipped
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ vmod_bodyhash(VRT_CTX, VCL_HEADER hdr)
// XXX can leave streaming enabled with Trailer support
bo->do_stream = 0;
if (Bodyhash_push(bo->vfc, hdr->what) == NULL)
VRT_fail(ctx, "bodyhash push failed");
......@@ -12,20 +12,50 @@ $Module esiextra 3 Varnish Esiextra Module
This vmod contains tools to improve varnish ESI processing
capabilities like:
* generate `ETag` backend response headers
* track the most recent `Last-Modified` date of all ESI includes.
It requires chunked encoding trailer support, which, as of 2017-11-06,
has not been merged to varnish-cache. See
import esiextra;
import esiextra;
See file `vtc/esi_recursive_full.vtc` for a full blown usage example.
$Function VOID bodyhash(HEADER)
Hash the received body.
Hash the received body and write a hex-encoded string into HEADER.
This function may only be called in `vcl_backend_response{}` and can
only change `beresp.http.*` headers.
If Trailer support is enabled, by setting `beresp.http.Trailer` to
contain the name of HEADER, it will be used.
Otherwise a placeholder header will be added to the cache object and
overwritten afterwards. For this to work, it needs to disable
streaming mode.
For now, streaming mode is also disabled when Trailer support is
enabled. This restriction may be lifted in the Future.
$Object lm()
Create an object to track the most reacent `Last-Modified` time during
the entirity of an ESI request including all sub-requests.
$Method BOOL .inspect(TIME)
Inspect time vs. saved time. If new time is after saved time, update
and return true. Otherwise return false.
Inspect time vs. saved time. If new time is more recent than saved
time, update and return true. Otherwise return false.
$Method VOID .update(TIME)
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