Commit 469e3c19 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

update vmodtool-generated docs

parent 4a0d3ba6
......@@ -21,29 +21,26 @@ Akamai SecureHD Token Authorization VMOD
.. parsed-literal::
import hoailona [from "path"] ;
new xpolicy = hoailona.policy(ENUM type, DURATION ttl, STRING description, BLOB secret, INT start_offset)
import hoailona [from "path"]
new xhosts = hoailona.hosts()
new xpolicy = hoailona.policy(ENUM type, DURATION ttl, STRING description, BLOB secret, INT start_offset)
VOID xhosts.add(STRING host, STRING policy, STRING path, STRING description)
new xhosts = hoailona.hosts()
VOID xhosts.add(STRING host, STRING policy, STRING path, STRING description)
INT xhosts.policy(STRING host, STRING path)
STRING xhosts.token(STRING acl, DURATION ttl, STRING data)
BLOB xhosts.secret()
STRING xhosts.explain()
STRING version()
STRING version()
new OBJECT = hoailona.policy(ENUM type [, DURATION ttl]
......@@ -246,11 +243,10 @@ subroutines, subsequent calls to ``.token()`` and ``.secret()`` in the
same backend transaction are based on the policy that was determined
by that call.
.. _obj_policy:
new xpolicy = hoailona.policy(ENUM type, DURATION ttl, STRING description, BLOB secret, INT start_offset)
......@@ -315,9 +311,6 @@ Examples::
# A policy for "access denied"
new forbid = hoailona.policy(DENY, description="access denied");
.. _obj_hosts:
new xhosts = hoailona.hosts()
......@@ -330,8 +323,8 @@ becomes useful by calling the ``.add()`` method.
.. _func_hosts.add:
VOID xhosts.add(STRING host, STRING policy, STRING path, STRING description)
......@@ -473,7 +466,6 @@ Examples::
h.add("", "deny", description="no access to");
.. _func_hosts.policy:
INT xhosts.policy(STRING host=0, STRING path=0)
......@@ -541,7 +533,6 @@ with parameters.
Calling ``.policy()`` with only one of the ``host`` and ``path``
parameters empty is an error.
.. _func_hosts.token:
STRING xhosts.token(STRING acl, DURATION ttl, STRING data)
......@@ -603,7 +594,6 @@ Examples::
# needed for SecureHD authorization.
.. _func_hosts.secret:
BLOB xhosts.secret()
......@@ -647,7 +637,6 @@ Examples::
.. _func_hosts.explain:
STRING xhosts.explain()
......@@ -682,10 +671,6 @@ Example::
std.log("Policy determination: " + config.explain());
.. _func_version:
STRING version()
......@@ -768,7 +753,6 @@ Users of the Luna Control Center can consult:
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