Commit ee0cd43b authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

remove some logging code that had been there for debugging

parent 99aec82c
Pipeline #106 skipped
......@@ -230,12 +230,6 @@ pattern2re(VRT_CTX, const char * restrict const path)
re = VRE_compile(VSB_data(regex), 0, &regex_errstr, &regex_erroffset);
if (ctx->vsl)
VSLb(ctx->vsl, SLT_VCL_Log, "Compiled %s for %s",
VSB_data(regex), path);
VSL(SLT_VCL_Log, 0, "Compiled %s for %s", VSB_data(regex),
assert(re != NULL && regex_errstr == NULL);
WS_Reset(ctx->ws, snap);
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