• Geoff Simmons's avatar
    Abandon the attempt to support the 16- and 32-bit pcre2 libraries. · f87e800c
    Geoff Simmons authored
    UTF-16 and -32 would require strings to include null bytes; this is
    the case for all code points that correspond to ASCII. But a VCL
    literal STRING by definition may not have a null byte (see vcl(3)).
    So we couldn't have a pattern in a literal STRING, and that's the
    show stopper. We also could not match regexen against literal strings;
    that might not happen much in production, but it could in principle,
    and the VMOD would have match against literal strings in the vtc tests.
    So, maybe some day when we support matching against BLOBs (although
    for that, we'd have to declare the pattern in a BLOB, which might
    be just too odd).
Makefile.am 930 Bytes